Most Beautiful Items: April 26 - May 3 ® Most Beautiful Items: April 26 - May 3

These days, most of us expect the things we buy online to arrive within a day or two. After all, why does ecommerce exist, if not to deliver a horsehead mask to my doorstep within 24 hours?

Recently, Gizmodo had a chance to go out to the Transformers HQ at Hasbro's home office outside of Providence, Rhode Island. We got to see how the classic toys are designed from the ground up, as well as the workshop where early prototypes for all of Hasbro's toys are put together. It was a pretty great time.

A crop of newly reimagined government forms beautify and clarify the documents that define us (as far as the government is concerned, at least). But should we be thinking harder about how these forms function, alongside how they look?


A quality grinder is an essential tool in making good coffee or espresso, but they're often known more for their utility than their beauty. The HG-One though, is a different beast. Its sleek beauty will make you forget how much cranking is involved.

If ever there was something bubbling out of the primordial ooze it's these little pools of light. There's something that's just gloopy and compelling about them. This is KIHOU, a series produced by tangent, a London/Tokyo design studio.

Most Beautiful Items: April 26 - May 3