Twitter Music Is Finally Here for Normals ® Twitter Music Is Finally Here for Normals

Twitter Music Is Finally Here for NormalsTo say that Twitter Music is debuting today would be to discount the man hours Ryan Seacrest and other celebrities have spent assaulting their earholes with it. But, as shared on Good Morning America, Twitter's music service will debut today on the web and on the iPhone for the common man.

So what are we in for?

There's not much to it, according to the initial reveal, or at least not much that would surprise you. Four screens help organize your music discovery and sharing: Popular, Emerging, Suggested, and #NowPlaying. Popular is what's trending, Emerging reveals "hidden talent"—though it's not at all clear how they become unhidden—Suggested gives you, well, suggestions based on whom you follow, and #NowPlaying reveals the terrible music choices the people you follow are making, in real-time.

Twitter Music Is Finally Here for Normals Twitter Music will be a separate app on iOS, not folded into Twitter Prime. And on the web it will exist as four tabs.

Twitter Music Is Finally Here for Normals