Man's Best Friend Gets Its Own Action Cam Mount Courtesy Of Sony ® Man's Best Friend Gets Its Own Action Cam Mount Courtesy Of Sony

Man's Best Friend Gets Its Own Action Cam Mount Courtesy Of SonyThanks to Sony, YouTube is soon to be flooded with countless first-person videos of dog butts and fire hydrants as the company is releasing a dog-mount for its Action Cam, starting in Japan. Specifically designed for dogs larger than 33 pounds, the $54 mount is designed to be worn like a traditional harness providing exciting footage of your dog during its daily hour of playtime, and its other 23 hours of sleeping.

Man's Best Friend Gets Its Own Action Cam Mount Courtesy Of Sony

[Sony Japan via Newlaunches]

Image by Irina oxilixo Danilova/Shutterstock

Man's Best Friend Gets Its Own Action Cam Mount Courtesy Of Sony