Whoops, CBS Got Twitter-Hacked And Spat Out Virus-y Links

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Whoops, CBS Got Twitter-Hacked And Spat Out Virus-y Links Twitter hacks are an unfortunate reality of everyday social media life. Today, it was CBS's 60 Minutes, 48 Hours, and CBS Denver accounts that took the hit and started dishing out some linkbait-y tweets with a virus-laiden garnish. Careful what you click.

Unlike other Twitter hacks of late, this one wasn't particularly funny, and instead leaned towards the straight-up malicious end of the spectrum. The hacktastic payload included not only misinformation, but a viral payload as well, though that's not uncommon for the spammier side of Twitter.

The offending tweets are gone now, but All Things D managed to get a couple of screen grabs. And really, who wouldn't click these?

Whoops, CBS Got Twitter-Hacked And Spat Out Virus-y Links

Of course all this could just go away if Twitter would roll out some two-step verification, but who knows how long that'll take. Any bets as to how many more high-profile hacks we'll have to see? [All Things D]

Whoops, CBS Got Twitter-Hacked And Spat Out Virus-y Links