This Shirt Can Be Worn For 100 Days Without Washing, Which Sounds Incredibly Sketchy But Also Awesome ® This Shirt Can Be Worn For 100 Days Without Washing, Which Sounds Incredibly Sketchy But Also Awesome

This Shirt Can Be Worn For 100 Days Without Washing, Which Sounds Incredibly Sketchy But Also AwesomeWho even knows. The creators of Wool&Prince are claiming that you can wear their wool button-down shirts for days on end without them wrinkling, smelling or showing any dirt. Frankly, that sounds ridiculous, but maybe?

Testers recruited by Wool&Prince all unsurprisingly claim that no matter what they do, the shirts look fresh from the dry cleaner all the time. A video also shows Wool&Prince founder "Mac" wearing the shirt for 100 days and talking to what may or may not be random people on the street, who all respond favorably to the button-down. The material for the shirts is woven out of fine wool thread and there's a lot of "Wool Science" about temperature, wicking, thread dynamics and cotton comparison.

Wool&Prince is six days into a Kickstarter and is already collecting for stretch goals because it has exceeded the initial $30,000 target. The shirts are $98 each, which might be worth it if there's really no dry cleaning or washing needed for months at a time. But there's gotta be something unhygienic about wearing a shirt hundreds of times without washing . . . right? [Cool Material]

This Shirt Can Be Worn For 100 Days Without Washing, Which Sounds Incredibly Sketchy But Also Awesome

This Shirt Can Be Worn For 100 Days Without Washing, Which Sounds Incredibly Sketchy But Also Awesome