Own Every Single One of History's Most Important Cameras (On a Poster)

pagesoon.blogspot.com ® Own Every Single One of History's Most Important Cameras (On a Poster)

Own Every Single One of History's Most Important Cameras (On a Poster)Following up on its gloriously detailed Evolution of Video Game Controllers print, Pop Chart Lab is back with a new visual treat for photographers, particularly those who've been shooting since the days of film.

A Visual Compendium of Cameras traces the history of photography gear all the way back to the first Kodak released in 1888. Overall it looks like it strikes a good balance between film versus digital, including such notably modern options as the GoPro, the Lytro, and the Canon 5D Mark II. With only 100 cameras in the list there's bound to be some omissions that will have photography enthusiasts crying foul, but for $22 it won't make this print any less beautiful hanging on your wall. [Pop Chart Lab via Laughing Squid]

Own Every Single One of History's Most Important Cameras (On a Poster)

Own Every Single One of History's Most Important Cameras (On a Poster)