Most Beautiful Items: April 20-April 26, 2013 ® Most Beautiful Items: April 20-April 26, 2013

Most Beautiful Items: April 20-April 26, 2013From sustainable buildings to redesigned currency, we've got plenty of lovely things for you to check out in the most beautiful items of the week.

Most Beautiful Items: April 20-April 26, 2013

Make CMYK Shadow Puppets with This LED Lamp

It's taken a while for the humble LED to gain a foothold in the broader consumer market-blame artisanal culture or simple force of habit, people love their cream-colored incandescent bulbs. But as the New York Times devoted 1600 words to explaining yesterday, more and more designers are jumping on the LED bandwagon. Case in point: the CMYK Bulb by the Dutch lighting designer Dennis Parren. [More]

Most Beautiful Items: April 20-April 26, 2013

Make CMYK Shadow Puppets with This LED Lamp

Imagine wandering through a thicket of trees on a breezy night. Can you hear the canopy rustling above your head? Now look up and all you see are trees blasting green lasers into the sky like the Pink Floyd Laser Spectacular. [More]

Most Beautiful Items: April 20-April 26, 2013

The Systems That Power the Year's Most Sustainable Buildings

Only a decade ago, sustainable building techniques were fairly rare, a fringe culture on the periphery of mainstream architecture. But with Stephen Colbert interviewing radically green architects like Mitchell Joachim and Passive House buildings popping up in New York City, that's all changing very quickly. [More]

Most Beautiful Items: April 20-April 26, 2013

Here's Your New and Improved Hundred Dollar Bill

The Federal Reserve is making it rain new hundred dollar bills on October 8, 2013. They're more colorful, more secure, and easier to authenticate, but harder to replicate. Here's everything that's changed. [More]

Most Beautiful Items: April 20-April 26, 2013

This Is the Most Beautiful Way to Learn How to Code

These days, the sentiment of anyone who doesn't know how to code being destined to a life of homeless ineptitude has become a fairly common (if mildly exaggerated) one. But of all the ways out there to save yourself from a derelict fate, Jon Duckett's HTML and CSS: Design and Buil Websites, is, perhaps, the most beautiful, information-packed intro to basic web languages you can find. [More]

Most Beautiful Items: April 20-April 26, 2013

All Music Boxes Should Look Like Bond Villain Speedboats

MB&F is known for its horological creations that eschew the form factors of traditional watch design. But the company has now taken its expertise in designing mechanical timekeeping wonders and applied it to the world of music boxes, resulting in what looks like a cross between a hydroplane and a retroriffic time machine. [More]

Most Beautiful Items: April 20-April 26, 2013

If The Beautiful Sky Tower From Oblivion Could Actually Exist That Would Be Great, Thanks

In some ways Oblivion is pretty standard. Alien war. Last humans on earth. Tom Cruise. Etc. But the movie, out this weekend, has something else going for it: a stunning backdrop for all the hunting and sleuthing. [More]

Most Beautiful Items: April 20-April 26, 2013

All Subways Should Be As Pretty As Berlin's

Taking the subway can be a nightmare, a confusing, smelly, litter-ridden nightmare. But it's not always that way. Berlin's subway, as it turns out, has some beautiful sights, and you can catch them all in an awesome tumblr devoted to the tubes. [More]

Most Beautiful Items: April 20-April 26, 2013