2House Passes CISPA By Huge Margin

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House Passes CISPA By Huge Margin CISPA, or the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or "the worst privacy disaster our country has ever faced" has just passed through the House of Representatives with an astounding majority of 288 to 127. [House Intel Comm]

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act wormed its way into the public consiousness shorty after the Internet's big SOPA smackdown. But unlike previous legislation that aimed to snag some precious Internet control for the government by whining about "content theft," CISPA's plan is/was to scoop up information on you in the name of security against cyberthreats by allowing (but really coercing) companies to share your data with good ol' Johnny Law. And now it's continuing to roll on towards becoming law.

This isn't CISPA's first run at law-hood. Last year the bill managed to pass a House vote as well before ultimately languishing in the Senate. And though there was hope that perhaps its ressurected form would have more privacy protections for the average citizen, it persisted—and has passed again—pretty much unchanged.

Fortunately this is only the first step. Sure, CISPA has passed the House, but it still has to trudge through the Senate, and we all know how that worked out last time. There's also the matter of a veto; President Obama promised to smack down CISPA if it made its way to him back in 2012, and he's reiterated that promise this time as well.

[House Intel Comm]

2House Passes CISPA By Huge Margin