Sunday Comics: Path of Least Resistance ® Sunday Comics: Path of Least Resistance

Welcome to Kotaku's Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics, chosen by our readership. The images enlarge if you click on the magnifying glass icon in the lower right corner.

S Penny Arcade by Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik. Published April 26. Read more of Penny Arcade

S Awkward Zombie by Katie Tiedrich. Published April 22. Read more of Awkward Zombie

S Manly Guys Doing Manly Things by Kelly Turnbull. Published April 24. Read more of Manly Guys Doing Manly Things

S Brawl In The Family by Matthew Taranto. Published April 26. Read more of Brawl In The Family

S Nerf NOW!! by Josué Pereira. Published April 24. Read more of Nerf NOW!!

Brentalfloss the Comic by Brent Black, Andrew Dobson and Dan Roth. Published April 25. Read more of Brentalfloss the Comic

S Virtual Shackles by Jeremy Vinar and Mike Fahmie. Published April 24. Read more of Virtual Shackles

Corpse Run by Alex Di Stasi. Published April 22. Read more of Corpse Run

S Nerd Rage by Andy Kluthe. Published April 26. Read more of Nerd Rage

Sunday Comics: Path of Least Resistance